The 12 Major Myths about Law School (Continued)

Myth #7:    Only material covered in class will be on the exam.
            Every law school has a rumor circulating about the professor who mentioned in passing a law review article one day during the semester, and when the exam came, it asked only about that law review article.  I personally never saw such an occurrence and it is an extreme rarity, but a possibility!  Again, if the subject is Torts, you will be responsible for knowing Torts.  In addition, you need to know the little twists the prof throws in, whether the concepts were covered in class or not.  The professor’s “twists” are sometimes the opinion that the court made the wrong decision or decided the case on bad law.  Other times the “twist” will be an opinion by the prof that the court misinterpreted a binding case (a precedent case from an earlier decision).

Myth #8:    Law school is all drudgery.
            Nonsense.  While law school is academically trying, socially it will likely turn out to be some of the fondest years of your life!  You’ll develop friendships that will last forever and create memories that will bring a smile to your face for years and years to come.  I wouldn't trade those years for anything!

Myth #9:    The faculty is dedicated to my success, and they want to see me succeed.
            Law school is a business.  In all but the very smallest of schools, the faculty won’t even know you exist, let alone care about your success.  The professors are working towards being published, perhaps doing some legal work on the side.  They will fail you in a New York Minute and not even think about it.  You produce on the exam, or you perish.
